District 51

Putting my experience to work for you!
North Central Flint Hills Area Agency on Aging (AAA)
2014-2020 (Board)
2022-Present (Chair)
Linda is Chair of the 36-member Board for the 2023-24 term. This is the governing body for all operations of AAA, responsible for overseeing administrative, management and financial services for senior citizens in 18-counties in Central Kansas, including the counties in District 51. It has many programs and functions, including Federal and state grants, Friendship Meals at Senior Centers in the region, the Riley Co. Housing Authority (HUD) with over 200 Housing Choice Vouchers spread across 17 counties and provides necessary health assessments to enable senior citizens to enter nursing homes.
Kansas Silver-Haired Legislator
Each county has one delegate. Linda is the Riley Co. Delegate. This group advocates statewide for legislative issues affecting senior citizens.
Riley County Genealogical Society
This non-profit promotes fellowship and cooperation among people conducting genealogical research. Their experienced researchers can help search our records for those not able to visit our library. They welcome researchers with special interests and encourage them to share their knowledge with others. They hold classes for small and large groups.
Manhattan Rotary Club,
This is a non-partisan community service club dedicated to developing leaders for the future.
Flint Hills Regional Council all cities and counties in 7-county region
This is the governing board for large Federal and State grants across the region in support of Ft. Riley, area economic development efforts, State Dept. of Commerce and local communities. It networks with elected officials, Chamber of Commerce and Ft. Riley officials. Linda served as the city’s Board representative, 2017-2023; Treasurer 2019-2021.
Big Blue River Public Action Working Group
This is a joint City/Riley County/Pottawatomie County group that works on developing plans to deal with flooding.
Manhattan/Riley County League of Women Voters
Tri-Chair, Region Reimagined Steering Committee
Linda is a long-time member and board member, held several officer positions, and served on numerous issue-oriented initiatives. The League never endorses candidates or political parties.
This is a committee of the Manhattan Chamber of Commerce. While Linda was on the committee, she helped conduct a major economic development effort.
Joint City/Riley County Law Enforcement Board.
2019-2020 and 2021-2022
Linda served as member of the board (2019-2020), then as Board Chair (2021-2022). This is the governing body for the consolidated (City & County) law enforcement agency and jail in Riley Co. Responsibilities include hiring the Riley Co. Police Director, statutorily approve annual mil levy and budget. While Linda was on the board, they hired RCPD Directors Dennis Butler and Brian Peete.
National Bio and Agro Facility (NBAF), Community Liaison Group
Linda represented the City Commission, 2017-2018 and 2022. NBAF provided briefings for community representatives and partners every three months. It was dedicated in 2015 and will open in the fall, in 2024.
2017-2018, and 2022
VISION 2025 Riley Co. Land Use Plan
Linda represented the City Urban Area Planning Board. The primary purpose of this group was to permit new development near existing cities while preserving agricultural farmland.
Joint City/County “Project Impact” Flood Mitigation Steering Committee
Following the Flood of 1993 this committee managed this HUD program to help local businesses and property owners protect themselves against long lasting problems caused by natural disasters. It provided training, grants for safe rooms and education to the community.
Manhattan City Commissioner
Linda served two four-year terms. She was mayor for one year during each term.
National Bio and Agro Facility (NBAF), Community Liaison Group
Linda represented the City Commission, 2017-2018 and 2022. NBAF provided briefings for community representatives and partners every three months. It was dedicated in 2015 and will open in the fall, in 2024.
2017-2018, and 2022
Manhattan Public Library Board of Directors
2017-2018 and 2022
This is the governing body for Library administration and budget, and the statutorily approve annual mil levy and budget.
Manhattan Public Housing Authority (MHA) Commission
This is the governing Board for this HUD program. MHA manages over 200 public housing units and Housing Choice Vouchers. This board oversees operations and the large federal budget and grants, and it hires the Executive Director. While Linda was on board MHA did a significant renovation of Apartment Towers in downtown Manhattan with City and HUD funding.
Wildcat Creek Flood Resiliency Committee
2018 – 2021
After the 2018 flood on Wildcat Creek, this joint City/County effort formed to mitigate future flooding. While Linda was on the committee they made recommendations to both the city and county commissions.
Workforce Development and Small Business Sub-Committees
Linda served on both committees of the Manhattan Chamber of Commerce.
Riley County Council on Aging
This Council makes program and budgetary recommendations to the Riley Co. Commission on aging programs.
Leadership Kansas, Class of 2016.
This is a statewide program that was designed to enhance and motivate future leaders from various Kansas communities. It is one of the oldest & most prestigious statewide leadership programs in the country. Participants must be recommended for participation.
Manhattan Urban Area Planning Board
1995-1998 and 2009-2015
Linda served three terms,and was Chair for one year, of the joint City/Riley Co planning committee to review development plans and exceptions. While she was on the board they approved the Colbert Hills Master Plan, the Comprehensive Land Use Plan, and all master plans and subdivisions.
Manhattan Martin Luther King Planning Committee
This committee planned community events during MLK Week in January, annually.
“Spirit of Martin Luther King Community Service Award” Selection Committee
Linda was chair for six years.
K-177 Gateway to Manhattan Plan” Steering Committee
This is a special group tasked with improving the southern entrance to the city.
Flint Hills Job Corps Center, Community Relations Council
Linda was chair of the Council for three years. The CRC informs Job Corps’ partners of future events and discuss way they can continue to support the community.
KSU Commission on the Status of Women
Linda was a member of the commission that is charged with studying the status of women at KSU, searching out opportunities for women to achieve complete equality with men, creating an understanding of the needs of women within the academic community, and developing recommendations for the administration.
Manhattan Board of Zoning Appeals
ablished through state statute, this board has the authority to consider and approve, or deny, applications requesting relief from the standards of the Manhattan Development Code (MDC) involving private property within the city.
American Business Women’s Association
Linda held various offices during her membership. This is a national professional association for women. The mission is “to bring together businesswomen of diverse occupations and to provide opportunities for them to help themselves and others grow personally and professionally through leadership, education, networking support, and national recognition.” Unlike profession-specific associations, ABWA is a professional organization for women in all stages of their career and in all professions. Members include everyone from teachers and administrative assistants to CEOs and small-business owners.
Recognitions for community service
Annual Edith L. Stunkel Good Government Award
Awarded by the City/Riley Co. League of Women Voters.
Spirit of Martin Luther King Community Service Award
Awarded by the Manhattan Martin Luther King Planning Committee.
2015 Wonder Women of Manhattan.
Awarded by KSU College of Education.
1991 Manhattan Rotary Club, Service Award
Awarded by the Manhattan Rotary Club. Linda was the award recipient for the Public Sector.
1990 Employee of the Year, Kansas State University
This award is a prestigious recognition given to an employee who has made exceptional contributions to the university throughout the year. The goal of the award is to distinguish top performers from other employees and acknowledge their efforts in helping the company achieve its vision.
Manhattan/Riley County Preservation Alliance,
This alliance is dedicated to supporting the preservation of Kansas' heritage through education and preservation of local historic properties.